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Technical SEO Points: Basics points with Best Practices

Technical SEO

Technical SEO Points:

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website’s technical aspects to improve its visibility and performance in search engine rankings. Here are some basic points and best practices to consider for technical SEO:

  1. Website Speed and Performance:
    • Optimize page load time by minimizing code, compressing images, and leveraging browser caching.
    • Enable GZIP compression to reduce file sizes.
    • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver content from servers closer to the user’s location.
  2. Mobile-Friendly Design:
    • Ensure your website is responsive and displays properly on mobile devices.
    • Use a mobile-friendly design framework and avoid using Flash, as it’s not supported on many mobile devices.
    • Optimize font sizes and spacing for mobile readability.
  3. XML Sitemap:
    • Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines to help them crawl and index your website effectively.
    • Include all important pages and update the sitemap whenever you make significant changes to your site.
  4. Robots.txt File:
    • Use a robots.txt file to control search engine crawling and indexation.
    • Specify which parts of your site should not be crawled (e.g., private areas or duplicate content).
  5. Canonical URLs:
    • Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a webpage if there are multiple URLs with similar content.
    • This helps prevent duplicate content issues and consolidates ranking signals to the preferred URL.
  6. Structured Data Markup:
    • Implement structured data markup using vocabulary to provide search engines with additional context about your content.
    • This can enhance search engine visibility and enable rich snippets in search results.
  7. URL Structure:
    • Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that are easily readable by both users and search engines.
    • Include relevant keywords in the URL, separated by hyphens.
  8. SSL Certificate:
    • Implement an SSL certificate to enable HTTPS encryption for your website.
    • HTTPS is a ranking factor, and it helps ensure secure data transfer between the user’s browser and your website.
  9. Crawlability and Indexability:
    • Ensure that search engines can crawl and index your website by removing any technical barriers like broken links, orphaned pages, or crawl errors.
    • Use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix crawl errors.
  10. Site Structure and Internal Linking:
    • Create a clear and logical site structure with well-organized categories and subcategories.
    • Use internal linking to connect related pages and provide search engines with a better understanding of your website’s hierarchy.

Conclusion – Remember, these are just some of the basic technical SEO points and best practices. SEO is an ongoing process, and it’s important to stay updated with the latest trends and algorithm changes to maintain and improve your website’s search engine visibility.